are road trips worth it

Are Road Trips Worth It?

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Are road trips worth it?

It’s a good question to ask yourself or someone else before heading out on the open road.

Road trips can be a great experience if you enjoy long drives and taking in the sights on ground level.

If you go on a road trip you need to make sure your vehicle is prepared for the long journey as well as preparing yourself for things you may need along the way.

I like to make sure I get maintenance completed on my car even if it’s just something simple such as an oil change.

It’s also good to pack snacks, and water, and have emergency equipment stored in your vehicle in case you get a flat tire or the car overheats.

These are all things to consider and the hassle of this may make you want to travel by plane instead.

Let’s look at some other considerations that can help you decide if a road trip is worth it.

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Is Road Trip Better Than Flying?

A road trip, in my opinion, is better than flying if you only have a few hundred miles to travel because you can stop and eat if you like or take your time getting to your destination without the rush of driving to the airport and catching your plane.

Flying is of course much faster and now with the fuel costs at record highs you really aren’t going to save money driving but you can if you consider that you can add several passengers to your ride that can all chip in on the fuel costs along the way.

Overall if your trip is a few hundred miles or just going from one state to another a road trip might be worth it over flying.

On the other hand, if you are going to be traveling more than 500 miles I’d go with flying.

I’ve found that 500 miles or more add up because you usually need to take a break to rest and that includes staying in hotels along the way to your final destination.

are road trips worth it

How Long Should I Road Trip For?

I’ve driven from one side of the United States to the other and I’d never do it again especially solo.

Looking back it was extremely dangerous because at the time I was being chased by a horrible storm through 2 states and the first place I stopped for gas I was being watched by a group of strange people.

It was crazy but with that being said I would only travel a few hundred miles for a road trip now.

If you have at least one person to go on the trip with you taking turns on the drive can help you last longer on the road.

You can take breaks to rest and that could save on the expense of getting a hotel too.

The bottom line for me is don’t travel more than 500 miles for a solo road trip.

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Are Road Trips Worth It For Couples?

Going on a road trip as a couple can bring you closer together or it can even break you up.

I’ve actually experienced both scenarios from going on a road trip as a couple.

I think If you are a new couple, like less than 6 months, a long road trip could be a bad idea because the long drive can be stressful and cause tension that you don’t experience when you are in the honeymoon phase of your relationship.

Couples that have been together a year or longer know each other much better and creating memories on a road trip can be like a romantic getaway.

Overall it depends on your relationship and how well you think you can get along for extended periods of time.

That’s probably the main consideration.

are road trips worth it

Summing Up Are Road Trips Worth It

Are road trips worth it?

Yes if you are driving less than 500 miles or have someone to go on the road with you for longer journeys.

Road trips are fun but they can be expensive and stressful.

Make sure to have maintenance completed on your car and have emergency items with you as well.

There are many things to consider but overall the main factors is do you have the time for a road trip and do you have the patience.

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