best red states to move to from california

Best Red States To Move To From California

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Best red states to move to from California will depend on many factors such as the reason you are wanting to move out of the golden state.

As a Californian for over 15 years I’ve seen this state go from a place I love to a place that no longer feels like home.

I’ve lived in many states and California has always been my favorite state.

That being said it’s no longer the same place and now it’s time to find a new home.

If you find yourself in the same position where you no longer want to live in California.

Read on to learn more about the best red states for Californians to move to, Where do most Californians move to, and a list of states to consider as you plan your move.





California is a very large state, so not all are applicable in every locale.

But California Is Well Known For The Following:


Of course, California is a beautiful place, there are plenty of things to do both indoors and outdoors.

However, when most of your money goes to rent, mortgage, and other expenses it loses its appeal.



best red states to move to from california


Where Are Californians Moving To?

Californians enjoy states that are similar in the climate with jobs and offer entertainment that allows them to live as close as possible to the way they did in California.

These Are The Top Destinations For Californians:

#1. Texas

#2. Arizona

#3. Nevada

#4. Washington

#5. Oregon




What States Do Californians Move To Most (Best Red States To Move To From California)?

If you are interested in moving to a red state because you are sick and tired of living in a blue state.

There are some things to consider Below:

#1. RED States want to stay RED so they don’t want you voting the way you did that caused you to flee your blue state.

#2. RED states are patriotic Pro American God Fearing States and that won’t mix well with those with leftist points of view.

#3. Before moving to a RED STATE know that you may hate their politics as much as they hate yours. This may make your decision to move RED unbearable for you and you’ll just end up moving again in the near future.


Best Red States To Move To From California:

#1. MONTANA (Best For Californians That Want To Escape City Living)

I recommend taking a visit to Montana before moving there because it will be at that moment you will either love it or hate it.

It can get very hot in the summer and very cold in the winter and things are spread out great distances.

Much more than they are in California but after your visit, you will know if Montana could be your new home.





#2. UTAH – (BEST For Californians That Enjoy Skiing, Landscapes, Outdoors)

There are actually quite a few Californians that live in Utah and the ones I know say they would never move back to California.

They love this state and all it has to offer.

It’s a mix of all of the best outdoor activities you can think of with beautiful scenarios as far as the eye can see.


best red states to move to from california



#3. TEXAS – (BEST For Californians In Search Of Employment)

The Lonestar state is like living in another country.

It’s massive with a wide range of activities that will fit almost anyone’s interests.

My favorite cities are San Antonio and Dallas because of the great places to eat, explore, and entertaining nightlife.

There is also an abundance of jobs that Californians can transfer to and enjoy a much more affordable cost of living.




#4. ARIZONA – (BEST For Californians Nearby State With Hot Dry Climate)

They call it dry heat… I call it hot as hell!

Arizona is definitely not the place to be if you don’t enjoy the desert or temperatures that are high throughout most of the year.

That being said Arizona is becoming overcrowded from all of the people moving there.

It’s an affordable place to live and offers many fun events throughout the year and is a favorite state for retirees to relocate to because of the weather and 55 and over communities.

Californians in search of a nearby state might want to consider Arizona because it’s a short journey to Las Vegas, Mexico, and you can visit California in a few hours by car.



best red states to move to from california




#5. FLORIDA – (BEST For Californians That Want A State Similar To Theirs)

You still want to live close to the beach, sunny skies, and year-round great weather.

Florida has got it all!

They even have some of the same tourist spots such as Universal Studios and of course Disney World.

Of all of the best red states to move to from California.

Florida is my favorite so far.




Best red states to move to from California TOP PICK


Where Should I Move To Get Out Of California?

If you are a conservative that wants to leave California because you are sick of the leftist policies yet you want a state similar to California My top pick is FLORIDA.

On the other hand, if politics aren’t a factor and you want to leave California because it’s just too expensive to live there and you want the best chance of finding a good job My top pick is TEXAS.

And last but not least if you will still have family in California and want to easily get to visit them in a matter of hours. My top pick is ARIZONA.

You should write down a list of reasons why you want to leave California and then match those reasons with the RED STATES you are considering moving to.

And if you have never been to the red state you should visit first to make sure it’s a place you would like to live.



Summing Up The Best Red States To Move To From California

Best red states to move to from California need to fit what you are wanting in a new place to live.

California has a lot of positives such as the great weather, attractions, and beaches.

However, there are many red states that can be similar making you feel right at home in your new state.

Plan a trip to the state or states you are interested in moving to if you have never been there before.

Usually, 3 or 4 days is enough time to get the feel of the state and learn about important information that will make or break your decision to move there.

And remember red states want to keep their state red so it’s best to only move to one if you fit in with their values and points of view.

Best for you and best for them.

Thanks for reading if you want to check out other articles you can find them HERE.