My ex is flying to see me

My Ex Is Flying To See Me (Meaning Behind It)

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My ex is flying to see me and I’m nervous about it.

That was me a few years ago when my ex decided to make a trip out to see me out of the blue.

I hadn’t seen her in several years and to be honest, I was finally starting to get over her.

She lived in another state and was only traveling to see me and no one else.

Getting her call was a shock since I no longer had her number on my phone I listen to her voice mail.

It was strange hearing a familiar voice that now seemed like a distant memory.

The message basically said she had some downtime and wanted to know if I’d like to catch up with her.

I hesitated to call her back but eventually returned her call and made plans for her to stay with me over the weekend.


What seemed like a friendly get-together turned into a nightmare.

Without going into all of the awful details let’s just say I learned a lot from the experience.

And now I’m here to share with you some of the meanings and reasons an ex might want to travel to see you too.

What Does It Means If Your Ex Wants To See You?

When your ex reaches out to you it can mean several things.

Depending if you had a breakup over something trivial or massive makes a big difference in why your ex wants to see you.

If the breakup was major:

  • Curious If You Are Better Off Without Them
  • Could have malicious intent to damage your belongings or new relationship
  • Wants to get even with you somehow
  • Curious if you can just be friends – ( This Never Works)
  • Has news to tell you in person usually too serious to talk about over the phone or text you about

If the breakup was over something small:

  • Your Ex Can’t Stop Thinking About You
  • They Still Have Feelings For You
  • Just Want Sex Because They Are Lonely
  • Think The Break Up Was A Mistake

These are some of the possible meanings of your ex wanting to fly out to see you.

What would you do?

Ignore your ex or meet them?

Let me know in the comments.

My ex is flying to see me

Reasons An Ex Is Flying To See You

My ex is flying to see me and after we made plans I felt like I was about to make a big mistake.

However, she sounded so cheerful on the phone and made it clear that she just missed me and wanted to see me again.

And it was only for a couple of days.

What could go wrong?

Apparently much more than I could even imagine at the time.

When I first saw her at the airport she looked a bit different in some ways but overall the same girl I remembered years ago.

She was dressed nice and I could tell she took the time to put on make-up and look her best for me.

And of course, wearing an outfit that accentuated her hot butt that always turned me on.

So far so good I thought.

We embraced each other with a big hug and I grabbed her luggage and we headed to dinner.

To make a long story short it only took half a day together for us to start arguing again and have her bring up things from the past.

By the end of the first day, I was offering to pay for her ticket to fly home sooner.

It was that bad!

I even asked her what was the reason for flying out to see me.

We obviously are much better broken up.

She only said she missed me and was curious about me.

I learned more about the real reasons an ex might travel to see you.

Here Are Some Of The Reasons:

  • You are moving on with your life and they and they can feel the loss
  • Your ex is depressed and or lonely
  • Your ex wants to show off something they have or accomplished
  • Your ex hasn’t found anyone new or good enough to replace you
  • Your ex misses the fantasy of being in a relationship with you
  • Time heals all wounds and they want to see if you could be together again
  • Your ex is about to marry someone and wants to know if they are really over you first
  • Your ex wants to stop you from getting serious in a new relationship

When you live far enough apart from your ex that they have to fly to see you it makes it easier to avoid running into them or any chance encounters you could expect if you lived in the same area.

With that being said in my opinion there are only a few good reasons an ex should travel to see you.

That is if you both still have feelings for each other.

The break-up was over nothing maybe just bad timing.

You think you could get back together and become a legit couple.

There are other reasons but overall these are some of the best reasons to see your ex.

my ex is flying to see me

Should You Travel To Visit Your Ex?

My ex is flying to see me and now I just want her to go home.

Your instinct probably tells you that seeing your ex is a bad idea but if you are currently not in a relationship and think you could get back together that makes the temptation much sweeter.

If you were to ask me now if you should travel to visit your ex or vice versa.

I’d say absolutely not!

It’s possible that seeing your ex after years apart could be a great experience that could even lead to an amazing romance.

Unfortunately for me, it was a mistake I don’t plan on repeating.

If you and your ex were toxic together like you bring out the worst in each other then definitely avoid them.

On the other hand, if you and your ex used to have fun times together and broke up over distance or something that wasn’t significant.

You might want to consider seeing your ex one last time to find out if it could work out now.

My ex is flying to see me


My ex is flying to see me and it didn’t go as I thought it might.

Usually, an ex is an ex for a reason.

Traveling to see your ex just adds an added layer of pressure because if it’s a bad experience and you’re staying at their place or vice versa it can make for a horrible experience.

You can’t just leave and go home.

So if you do travel for your ex at least stay at a place of your own nearby in case it’s not what you expected or hoped for.

Thanks for reading if you’d like to check out my other articles you can find them HERE.